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How to Use Dating Apps Without Getting Caught

Its no secret that online dating apps are better when you pay for them, but not everyone is willing to give out the cash until the app is willing to show some value. Whether that's letting you match and swipe until your heart is happy, or just showing enough features that make you interested, value from dating apps is completely subjective to the user.

If you aren't willing to pay just yet, we are going to guide you through what you need to do to get the most out of your app without giving them your card information.

Be Selective

This goes against a lot of what we have preached, but we usually write as if you have bought the full version. If you are willing to venture into the dating world without a small subscription, expect that to come with a price tag of its own. In a perfect world, you don't have a problem giving people that wouldn't be your first choice a like. But since you will be limited with the free versions, it's important to be selective.

Don't be swiping and liking carelessly. Make sure each one is deliberate. You know the term 'Suicide Swiping'? That's not your game here. Take your time on each profile. Don't pass it up or like it unit you are sure that there might be some interest there. All apps limit the amount of likes you can have in a 24 hour period before they hit you with a pay wall. Our advice? Be cautious with who you swipe and like on, it might be your last one for a day.

Make Conversation

The likes and swipes are going to be limited, so making conversation with each and every person you match with is vital. Because you have already been selective with the likes, you have already told yourself that you are somewhat interested in the person you matched with. The least you can do is give them a chance with a solid pickup line LINK LINK LINK. Give them a chance to make an impression on you. As we all learned pretty early into the dating game, looks don't mean much, and personality is absolutely everything.

If the energy is matched on the first few interactions, don't be scared to ask them out. The whole goal of online dating is to get it IRL anyway, so let's run with what we have going for us. If it ends up being a fit, you have a chance to make something special. If its not, you are going to have another match waiting for you just one swipe away. Give each of your matches an honest chance to be exactly that, a match.

Respond to Everyone

This might have been fine without saying, but being specific and precise will lead to matches, and that's the only reason we are all here. If you happen to have a like slip out of your fingers, you match with someone that you're not initially interested in, and then they message you, respond to them. If that means you have to text back on a cheesy pickup line or you just simply saying hi back to them, it will lead back to good results.

Not only does this set you up with good karma for the next match that you're excited about, but it will also keep the algorithms in your favor. The apps know when you respond and when you don't, and if you're consistently ignoring people, the apps will start to ignore your efforts to make solid matches. Its easy to be a nice person and respond to people, so make sure you take the extra few seconds to make sure that you are giving your matches and yourself the best chance to find the love of your guys' lives.

Perfect Your Profile

We have a lot of information about what a good dating profile looks like right now, so use that information to your advantage. When it comes to pictures, make sure you are the main focus of the pics you choose to upload. You didn't create a dating profile so your friends could get dates. Remember that when uploading your favorite pictures. Try not to use pictures of yourself when you crop out other people. It's distracting and looks like you're limited on good pictures. Even if you are, we shouldn't be giving off that vibe on your first impressions. If you need to, get your bestie to head to your favorite park and get the camera rolling! You need to be the main person in each photo!

As far as the bio goes, KISS (Keep it simple stupid) is the main motto here. Remember the episode of The Office when Kevin Malone says "use small word, save time"? Well, he might've been on to something, at least for online dating. When building your bio, you only have a certain amount of words and space. Using short phrases instead of full sentences is a great thing to do. For example, rather than saying 'I'm a big dog lover and I love to bake in my free time! I also do ballet twice a week!', try condensing with 'Dog lover, baker, and ballet dancer'. It frees up more space and words to get more about you in the bio.

Just Pay

If someone told you that you could have unlimited matches, have as many good dates from your favorite apps as you want, but every day they had to give two quarters every day? It would be a no brainier. Thats the same cost per month as most dating apps. Its easy to justify the cost when you look at the possible rewards. You'll never regret spending money on an app that leads to real-life results. It would be different if we were encouraging to pay for some coins on a game, but this dating game is your life, and there's no amount of money that you can pay to find a perfect match.

How to Use Dating Apps Without Getting Caught
